Geeklog and server side scripts

    Date: 04/05/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, html, web

    Does anyone know anything about geeklog? I'm hoping someone can tell me how to modify a website that is written entirely in PHP, a server side script, and has geeklog installed. I've been struggling to make sense of this application but i'm clueless. I know HTML, and some PHP, but not enough to puzzle out geeklog.

    I read everything on it that I could get my hands on, but there are some gaps in my knowledge. Now I need some practical advice and guidance. I log into the server and check out the php files, and they all seem unfamiliar to me. Someone, help. What should I do?

    (Is it absolutely necessary to master php in order to make the changes I want? Is there a WYSIWYG program like Frontpage out there that encodes php?)


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