I wanna hear your opinions!

    Date: 03/22/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: software, web, hosting

    So, I'm doing some work for a web hosting company in Austin, TX (www.webii.net) and we are doing some marketing research. I'm a LJ fan, so I thought I'd join this community and see what you all thought about web hosting in general, our site, our packages and offerings, ect. Please, let me know any comments you have, negative or positive.

    Also, if you have a domain, what is it you like or don't like about your service. Is it cost effective. How does it compare with our rates? What software do you use? Would you consider switching to our services, why or why not? What do you think about Unix hosts as opposed to Windows hosts?

    Thanks in advance!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/25194.html

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