Multiple, independent domains

    Date: 09/23/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web, hosting

    I've been maintaining a single personal website for a number of years now, but now the rest of my family wants to get in on the act, and have their own websites, too. We signed up for a shared hosting account that advertised multiple domains, but after we got it set up realized that this was not what we wanted at all. Rather than several independent domains, we had one domain and several others that were aliased to the main one. I reasoned that surely there was a way for the host to set it up on the server the way we wanted it, but apparently not.

    So I have two questions: First, is this the behavior I should expect from a shared hosting account, or did we just end up with a bad host? In other words, are there shared hosts out there that will support multiple, independent domains on a single account, or is this not even possible? And second, if not, what kind of account do I need to do what I want to do?

    From the little I've been able to figure out, it looks like a reseller account might be my ticket. But I honestly don't know what I'm doing at all. If a reseller account is what I need, do any of you have hosting suggestions?


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