IIS anonymous logon woes

    Date: 10/12/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've been trying to get anonymous logon to work with IIS for a while now, and I just can't seem to do it. I'm using IIS6 on Windows Server 2003. If I configure IIS to use the default account of IUSR_SERVY (i.e., IUSR_servername) I get a 401.1 error when I try to access any page. I gave IUSR_SERVY read\execute permissions, and out of desperation, even full control, but I still got a 401.1. I was reading that this problem can be caused when the password IIS has stored doesn't match the actual IUSR_ password, so I tried creating a new account(because nobody seems to know the IUSR password around here), which I called IIS_ANON, and gave it the same permissions as IUSR_SERVY, but that did not work either. The one thing that does seem to work is to set the anonymous user to my account\password, in which case everyting seems to work dandy. That, however, seems like a really bad idea, because I am an administrator(not to mention that I don't like the idea of something without my control running under my name.) So what's the next step in troubleshootin this?

    X-posted like mad

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webhosts/31410.html

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