
    Date: 05/25/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web

    I've been approached to design and maintain the official website for a small band. I've never made a professional website for anyone before, so I didn't even think about charging or anything when I made the original offer, but I know that it would be quite a bit of work so now I'm not sure how much I should be asking for in terms of payment. I'm thinking a lump sum for design and setup, then a flat monthly rate for maintenance. I've been told that general montly rates usually go around $60 US, is that a fair price? But I'm not at all sure how much to charge for the lump sum, especially since I'm not sure what the design and content will include. Can you give me some estimates?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webhosts/26689.html

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