form disrupting css

    Date: 05/07/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, css, html

    I'm probably overlooking something obvious, but I've been staring at this so long I can't think properly.

    I'm having an issue with an html form processed by php. When all fields are filled in and the "success" message appears, there's no problem, but when there's an error, the background gets messed up.

    If someone has a moment, can you please use this form and fill it in completely (use fake info, I don't care) and then try it again leaving a field blank and see the resulting problem... The css is available here. (Beware, it's kind of a mess at this point.)

    Please don't bother to complain about the design... it's what my client wants.

    Thanks in advance!

    *edited to add* This seems to be an issue in FF and Opera thus far, not IE

    *edited again to add* The issue is related to the exit command in my php conditionals, so it's not getting to the closing div tags :)


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