
    Date: 05/15/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: java, web

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this community. I love website designing and have been designing sites for about nine years now. I am completely self-taught in my website design and really love doing it. As a result I am highly considering turning my love for design into a career. I am currently in college and and very unsure where to start. I was wondering if anyone can just give me a feel of what I should be going into to or any advise of what to take or not take. I want to learn a lot more about design and how to use things like Java, Flash, and improve the knowledge I already have so I can not only make my personal site better but use it in my possible career. I was also wonder how the job market for a website designer is and what the work is like. And, finally, if anyone wants to check out my personal site you can visit it here and please tell me what you think. Thank you!


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1109535.html

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