Site Critique - W Dance Studio

    Date: 05/15/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've been lurking here for awhile, but haven't posted any of my own work before. I'd like a critique of this site:

    The main index photo and the "Birthday Boogie" photo take awhile to load on dial-up, but I didn't want to sacrifice quality for speed; plus, we live in a booming area where many people have broadband. (Ironically, I'm still on dial-up!) The studio cultivates a fun, friendly but professional environment. The professionalism is making this studio stand out from the rest in the area. Any tips on loading time vs. quality would be appreciated.

    Also, the top of the Current Schedule page feels a bit jumbled or choppy to me. What do you think of the readability? I've been looking at this far too long to be objective any more. Even tips on code organization are welcome. Thank you!

    Edit: I've reworked the Current Schedule page a bit.
    For comparison, old:


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