what am i doing wrong??

    Date: 05/30/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    i have two tables, with text in each table. i want to make the text in table 1 and table 2 into links. i want links in table 1 to turn a different color than the links in table 2. i know i have to assign a different class rule to the text in each table. i tried a million times to create 2 seperate class rules with link properties for hovering, etc. but it just didnt work! has anybody had a problem with this before or have any suggestions for something that may be easier?

    this is what i was doing on my css page. what is wrong with it? or maybe what am i forgetting to do? i try to assign text in table 1 with .main, and text in table 2 with .navbar

    /* CSS Document */

    .main {color: #FFFFFF;}

    .main a:link {color: #FFFFFF;}
    .main a:visited {color: #FFFFFF;}
    .main a:hover {color: #999999;}
    .main a:active {color: #999999;}

    .navbar {color: #000000;}

    .navbar a:link {color: #000000;}
    .navbar a:visited {color: #000000;}
    .navbar a:hover {color: #666666;}
    .navbar a:active {color: #666666;}

    if anyone can help that would be AWESOME

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1117481.html

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