Dreamweaver question

    Date: 05/31/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I've been using Dreamweaver to create a rather large website. I just bought a new external hard drive, and decided that I should have a back-up of all those files. I copied the root folder from my internal hard drive and put it on the exteranl drive.

    Now, whenever I try to add an image or document to the root folder in Dreamweaver, it's not showing up when uploaded. I'm sure that the problem is that there are two copies of the root folder, and Dreamweaver is confused about finding the requested document.

    Has anyone experienced something like this? Would it hekp to go through all the files on the exteranl drive and rename them slightly so there are no exact duplicates?

    Thanks for any advice!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1117727.html

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