building better websites

    Date: 06/19/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    A great link with good ideas on building better websites. Segment 3, advises sketching. I took this one step further during my last client meeting for a web project. For this client accessibility and usability were paramount (as it should be). I decided to go in with a sharpie and a pad of paper and sketch out my layout ideas and it was very successful. Usually, I just do the sketches for myself and then start mocking up in photoshop, but sketching in front of the client and letting them see the process was a great way for them to see how information will be organized without seeing a "finished" mockup. They were actively involved in the process of how information would be layed out and they could grab a pen if they wanted as well. Plus, it added a layer of trust in me which is always a good thing.


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