Dreamweaver 8 vs GoLive CS2

    Date: 11/02/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: software, web

    Very part time designer here- I usually stick to projects that are relatively low-tech since I left my last job with lots of great hardware and software.

    However, I just recently invested in a new iBook, CS2 and Macromedia Studio 8 (suuure, I'm a student). Before I was working on a 4 year old machine and doing all my images for the handful of web projects I have in Illustrator and hand coding the rest with a little help from source/layout views. Now I have all these great tools and I'm not sure where to start! I've never played with GoLive before and I'm wading through the tutorials now... It's been several years since I've used Dreamweaver and I haven't gotten a chance to look at this version.

    I'm curious what you all are using... Is there any reason to even look at GoLive or should I concentrate my efforts on Dreamweaver? Plusses? Minusus? Good resources to find folks engaged in this dialogue?

    Thanks in advance- Brook

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1183838.html

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