
    Date: 11/02/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    Hi everyone. I just joined the community. I'm still a semi-inexperienced web designer... I started out on Adobe GoLive and have since developed a knowledge of HTML and have started to move from GoLive towards straight coding or at least a mixture of both...

    My own website is still rather haphazard, because I began it when I knew absolutely nothing about web design and now that I do, every update is less an update than "OMG let me correct this and make it more sensible."

    In any event. A few people have asked me what I would charge to make a website for them. I would love to be getting some income from this, but I have no idea how or what to charge. For those of you who do freelance work, how do you set your pricing? As many details as possible would be helpful--I have no idea what the going rate for anything is.

    I hope this post is appropriate to the community. If not, let me know, and I'll remove it. Thanks. : )

    x-posted to '[info]'web_design


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