Contact Page - Language Change?

    Date: 12/01/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp, web

    I have a contact page in .asp on a website for a client. The company is based in Canada, so I built the site in English and am now translating the site into French. (Well, changing everything so it is French, sadly my French skills let me read, but not write.) Anyway... everything is going well, but I need to change the "send" button on the page to an "envoyer" button.

    The button and text are created by the script, so I would like to avoid having to place an image there. Does anyone know how to get the text from "send" to "envoyer"?

    Please help... I've never had to do this before.

    Thank you!

    ETA, 11.06pm: Well, just changing the script value from "send" to "envoyer" seems to be working. Need to upload it to the server to check for certain, but that seems to be it. Easy fix.

    Thanks for the help!


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