link to affliate program???

    Date: 12/08/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I've got a situation. I'm working on a site promoting a book that is part of's affliate program. In the program they provide you with your own special link to a webpage, where your book is displayed very small with another link to Amazon's main site where you can buy the book. Bascially you get credit for the "hit" to Amazon's site when the user clicks on the special link which then takes them to Amazon to buy the book.
    It's a pain in the butt to have to click on one-->button in your site-->button on special link site --> to amazons site to buy the book.

    I've made a button in my flash file, when you click you get two windows, one is the hit site (which i have resized very small and out of the way, the other is the amazon site you would have gotten had you hit the special link site. So I'm getting the "hit" (i think, if i'm not, please someone tell me) but eliminating the need for the user to then have to click the special link site because the amazon site is already there.

    My question is-- is there anyway to totally eliminate the "hit" site, get the hit, but somehow have the window not appear at all? If anyone knows anything about amazon's program, please let me know! I'm worried that by having a button launch both sites, that I might be loosing the hit all together!

    Thanks for reading that long-winded question!


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