formmail abuse and AOL

    Date: 12/07/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: spam

    I use Matt's formmail script on a couple of the sites I host and, recently, the script has been abused a lot by spammers. As a result the email addresses associated with the form have been blacklisted by AOL and the two clients I have who are with AOL are now not receiving their form results at all. Instead I'm getting the rebounded emails (as the admin contact) with a 554 error.

    I've read that changing the name of the formmail script to something else solves the problem of spam abuse, but is there any way to get AOL to 'un-blacklist' their form results that are getting junked?

    Also, they're both using the AOL email client thing (which I'm not that famiiliar with) rather than Outlook, so the formmail results are having to be forwarded to their AOL email address rather than using a standard POP mailbox set-up in Outlook. I don't know if switching them to a POP mail account would solve the problem or not.

    Does anyone have any advice?


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