Web designers, help me!

    Date: 01/09/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I am doing a website for a friend, and since I am still learning as I go, I decided to make the page in photoshop. There are lots of flourishes and masking going on, so it was definitely the easiest way to go for me. Now... what is the best way to slice this and take it into Dreamweaver? It's not really a conventional square format... the logo/menu at the top is a pretty complex photoshop illustration with many flourishes, so I am not at all sure how to slice it. I want it to have the fastest loading time possible, obviously. It only involves 3 colors if that helps. I have the heading and footer, connected by a large blank area for text. The text area, though currently blank, does have a rough texture, so a Dreamweaver solid color won't do. I also plan on tiling a background in Dreamweaver, so the part is not an issue. This page also involves transparencies I would like to preserve. I'm just wondering what the best strategy is and what order to do everything, also keeping it easy to change things if needed down the road. Thanks in advance for the help!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1206297.html

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