Movable Type / TrackBack spam question

    Date: 02/26/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: spam

    I apologize if there's a better place to ask this, but I'm at my wit's end.

    I have a pretty basic Movable Type blog on my domain, and for the most part, it works like a dream. But I get an inordinate amount of TrackBack spam. MT filters out a huge amount of spam, both comment spam and TrackBack spam, but there's one IP address that has been plaguing me with TrackBack spam for two or more years. If I'm diligent about adding the domain names it uses to the SpamLookup Keyword Filter, I can nip most of it in the bud, but it's a full-time job keeping the addresses just from this one IP address (including "", "", "", "", etc. — it changes every week or so) updated in the filter. So I have a few questions:

    1. Is there any way to block an IP address from commenting or TrackBacking? If so, how?
    2. Why is this IP address so effective at circumventing my filters? The sheer volume? The filters, I've noticed, filter out hundreds of messages from this address, but I nonetheless see a dozen or two a week get through if I don't keep the filters updated. Is there any way to better train my filters?
    3. What can I do about this repeat offender? Why is this address still in business after two or more years? I've followed the IP trace to look for someone to whom I could complain, but the lowest recognizable authority is

    The address, if anyone cares, is The IP trace:

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
    [snipped for privacy]
     12    59 ms   131 ms   115 ms []
     13    61 ms    60 ms    61 ms []
     14   117 ms   119 ms    62 ms []
     15   145 ms   146 ms   145 ms []
     16   147 ms   191 ms   151 ms []
     17     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     18   149 ms   150 ms   146 ms []
     19   210 ms   161 ms   161 ms []
     20   172 ms   176 ms   171 ms []
     21   173 ms   196 ms   173 ms []
     22   179 ms   180 ms   174 ms []
     23   241 ms   186 ms   189 ms [213.248.101.
     24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     25   197 ms   245 ms   196 ms []


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