Basic Question on Logging

    Date: 04/03/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I think this is possibly the community to go for this question I'm not entirely sure
    I want to make a website but I'd like to be able to get an idea of where the traffic is coming from
    it's for a basic selling site and from the get go it would be nice to know who to cater to area wise and what not or if any specific additions should be added (languages, etc)
    I'm fairly certain you can't tell exactly the person and that's fine, but is it possible to tell the state or country?
    If so what type of criteria do I need to look for in a host to be able to find these facts, or is this just a general thing all hosts provide and me not having any web knowledge am completely ignorant about

    Thanks for any help whatsoever


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