How do I determine the age of a website?

    Date: 04/17/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web, google

    As a volunteer project for my daughter's daycare centre, I'm doing some research into what constitutes good design for daycare websites. One of Google's first picks yielded this (obviously outdated) page on the subject. But despite the copyright notice stating 2004 (which MUST be a renewal -- this site looks circa 1998 to me), is there a way to definitively determine the creation date of a given web page?

    I viewed the source for the page but didn't see anything obvious. Is there a way to discover the actual date stamp of a given web page?

    By the way, if anyone here has any experience with developing (or seeing) a well-designed daycare website, please do reply with sample links, won't you? Looks like we're going to be doing a lot of our own creative, here. (Even with the depth provided on this page of Top 100 Preschool Sites...)

    Thanks in advance.


    Edit: I had to add this site for further breadth to my examples. Make sure your speakers are on for the MIDI magic...


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