Footer Issues along with Div

    Date: 04/17/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp, web

    Ok, I'm such a newbie to this, it's embarrassing to post. I'm trying to teach myself web design. I can hand code a REALLY simple page, but I'm trying to learn Dreamweaver. I am only familiar with divs, so when I figured out how to do that with Dreamweaver (today) I got all excited. I created my first craptastic web site with it. It's SO basic, it's pathetic, and I still couldn't even get my footer to show up.

    I was just wondering if someone could breeze through my codes and take a peek to see if I handled my divs correctly, or if I have too many (which I suspect I might) - and, I don't know what the hell I'm doing with position: absolute or relative... absolute seems to connect the entire page to that one spot, then I'm forever absoluting all other aspects of the layout. I suspect that's the error that's causing my footer not to show.

    If this is not in the correct community (because most people seem to know what they are doing here) I'd appreciate a pointed finger on where to go. <- just beginning. Thanks!!!!


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