Meta Tags, website rankings, etc.

    Date: 04/27/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web, spam, google, ebay

    Greetings all!

    It's been awhile since I was asked / contracted to work on a website, and as I'm brushing up on my skills I'm wondering if any new techniques had come about for improving website rankings.

    I'm well aware of paying for a service to submit them, or the various spamming of your site or hiding hidden keywords on your pages to trick the engines. I know, for example, google has their own proprietary spidering system that is kept under wraps, so no one really knows how to optimize for it.

    In the past, I simply had the basic meta keywords and meta description in the header of each page, then manually submitted the main site page to the search engines.

    However, I'm finding some newer (larger) sites don't have any meta tags in their header at all!

    For example, has meta keyword tags, does not.

    I was curious what techniques you used to optimize and boost rankings.

    Thanks all!


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