Link colours

    Date: 04/28/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, web

    Good morning everyone!

    I still learning web, and am having a little trouble with my link colours.

    I'm working with a limited palette on my friend's website (initial pages can be seen at and am having a little trouble getting the colour designated in my site-wide CSS stylesheet to stick. Each page also has it's own style sheet, for positioning page specific items. (yes, I'm going all out with the CSS - needed to handle some tight image and type placements on some pages that you don't see yet)

    It _should_ be 444444, 666666, 888888 and 000000, but it's reverting back to the default link colours (blue and purple)

    Any clues as to where I should be looking under the hood? Do I need to change anything in my CSS hierachy?

    Any help appreciated


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