Help please!

    Date: 06/21/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web


    I have a question that may or may not be easy to answer. I am redesigning the website for my college's classics department and I'd really like it to look better than all the others, so I'm trying out coding I've never used before. So far I've not made too much progress because I'm stuck on one idea that I don't know how to do. I'd like the links at the bottom (which are roll-over images, not text links) to become a menu that pops out above when the link is rolled over. Here is all I have so far.

    I found this site and thought it was perfect to use as an example of what I was thinking of. Only I think they're using Flash and I don't know how to use that for webpages, so could anyone tell me how I might accomplish this, or if that is too difficult, could anyone point me in the direction of a helpful tutorial? I've been searching, believe me, but so far found nothing that combines bottom vertical roll-over expanding menus and roll-over text images as the main links.



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