Customize LJ - need help!

    Date: 06/21/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html

    I recently started to customize my journal. Since I am only a beginner where CSS is concerned, that doesn't prove easy. Although I did manage to do the main stuff already, I still need help with the details. So does anybody of you know how I can change the style of the tag-box? So tha my tags wouldn't be listed as a cloud anymore, but rather as a list (without the middots though!). I noticed that other journals display the tag box that way, so I guess there is a way.
    Also, how can I change the position of my journals title and the links ("Recent Entries", "Friends", etc.)? I'm going crazy over this, I'm trying stuff, but since I started just about five days ago, it's still a little confusing for me. I've been writing HTML for years, but somehow that's not the same.


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