Updating some code

    Date: 02/22/09 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, security

    I require the services of a PHP Coder for about 2-3 hours of (what should be) simple work. I had a coder do the back end for a client site a few years ago, and php upgrades + less than perfect code (I guess?) has broken a few things that urgently need repairing.

    One is a security hole of this nature -

    Essentially, anywhere you have a query that includes a $_REQUEST variable (or a variable that came from a $_REQUEST variable), you need to first validate the value of that variable. If it's a category, it should be a-z,A-Z,0-9 and probably should not include any apostrophes or quotation marks.

    The other is an inline image resizer so when the client uploads their product images all the thumbnails + display photos are within the site guidelines and don't break the layout.

    Please email info AT codebloo DOT com if you're interested. Thanks :)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1471930.html

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