Project time!

    Date: 02/22/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: no keywords

    osteosarcoma online

    I'm looking for critique if you have a moment. Not every page is done (new revised content is in progress, and/or it's a matter of converting lots of Word doc's into decent markup), but basically it's a kind of bone cancer that strikes teens and young adults for the most part, so that's the main audience. To a lesser extent, there's stuff for parents, teachers, and health professionals too. But its design is mainly for young people.

    The main proplem is that about halfway through the project, the people I was working with decided they really liked and wanted to emulate that (just short of copying their whole content organization, and parts of the layout). I had to try and corral them back to something that takes that into account, but works more with what we're trying to do.

    I guess the questions are 'can you navigate well', and especially when the content goes a few layers deep ( and then check out the 'late effects' first item there is one of the deeper-level sections that is done). Also, does the whole site seem cohesive enough?

    Thanks for looking!

    (x-posted slightly)


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