HTMLview problems with WMP10 due to security updates?

    Date: 02/21/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: software, browser, html, security, web, microsoft

    Ok. This is a odd one...

    In addition to running a web design firm, I also own a Classic Rock station. I've got a neat feature called "The 8 Track Player" which shows whats playing as well as the last 7 songs. This is a stand alone browser window that the visitor to the site opens.

    This will also open inside Windows media player if a visitor chooses to listen to the station with that software (the station runs shoutcast natively).

    until a week or so ago, the refresh code that I have was working fine in both stand-alone and Windows Media Player (WMP) but now the WMP does not refresh yet the stand-alone does.

    Both stand alone and WMP use the same code, and there's not been any changes to the code.

    The refresh method I am using is:

    My theory is that MS has with a security update with Windows XP or WMP 10 changed something that does not allow the VB or Meta to work.

    a) does anyone know something about this problem?

    b) is there a good place to ask this in-depth question? Have posted on microsoft.public.windowsmedia.player.web already.

    c) do you think my meta tag or vbscript have an error in it that was working before in WMP with HTMLView until a tightening of code control was implemented?



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