
    Date: 04/24/08 (Algorithms)    Keywords: no keywords

    So, I'm once again writing a ray-tracer. So far the only objects it supports are planes and spheres. My intent to support only polygons. So, I'm curious. A low-polygon polygonal object is going to look, pretty.. well- polygony (if you know what I mean). My plan was to take the ray-polygon intersections and blur the collision normal, depth (somehow) and other information between adjacent polygons. I was planing on doing this using the dot-product between the collision-to-adjacent-polygons-far-edge vector and the collision-to-adjacent-polygons-near-edge vector as a bias for bluring. Is this how smoothing polygon-meshes is normally done? It seems like there'd be a better solution. What do you people think?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/algorithms/99145.html

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