number of frequencies can be assigned to cell phone ?

    Date: 12/17/05 (Algorithms)    Keywords: no keywords

    Let me start off by saying I don't know much too in details about frequencies assignements in cell phones. However I am working on a project that cell phone frequencies can be one of the applications that might take advantage of it. So here's the question:

    I believe that a cell requires a single frequency is popular (and also easiest) however could there be a situation that the cell phone requires "X" assigned frequencies where "X" is larger than or equal to total number of cell phones available in that network ?

    Note that I am talking about a general, real world mobile network, Verizon etc ... Also if this is not the appropriate community for this question, do you know of any other ?

    Oh yeh, can I do cross-posting if I want to ask the same question to multi communities ? If so, how does that work in LJ ?

    Thanks !

    note I understand they can share frequencies but could there be a case that the number of distinct frequencies assigned to a cell phone be ever larger or equal to the number of cell phones available, in general mobile network ?

    Let's say Verizon has 1 million cell phones in its network , can there be >= 1 million frequencies assigned to cell phone ? Is there any document, technical paper that I can reference to that state this ?

    I am just trying to tie this problem with the algorithm I am working on which is called Multi coloring , that is on a graph (containing vertices and edges), each vertices has a number of colors (that are not the same to any other), the problem is to use as little colors as possible and assigned to these vertices such that the there are no collision in colors (e.g., colors of a vertex cannot be the same, and colors of vertex v1 cannot be the same as colors of vertex v2 if v1 connects to v2 or vice versa). It has been said that the channel frequency problem in cell phone can be similar to this, cell -> vertex, channel frequencies -> number of colors a vertex can have ...

    I just found this article , it says cell phone can works at 1600 something frequencies, which basically is nothing comparing to the number of cell phones in a network. Does it sound right ?

    Is there any rule about putting a post in MY journal, and just refer the links to the communities ? Because cross-posting and managing answers are confusing :)


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