Starting background process from webpage
Date: 06/01/07
Keywords: web
I have a requirement to take data from the user, send the data to external webservices, wait for a response and then update my system based on the response from the external webservice.
Waiting for a response from the external webservice could take a few minutes so I dont want the user to sit waiting.
I'd like to have a queue of items and then have a background process that picks the next item from the queue, talks to the webservice and updates the item in the queue when it gets a response.
Problem is I have no idea how to get the webpage to kick off the background process. How would you do it ? Are there any code examples you can recommend ?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/89835.html
IIS web stats analyzer
Date: 05/31/07
Keywords: web
Can anyone reccomend a free web stats analyzer program that will run on IIS ?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/89369.html
Two instances of the same wizard on 1 page
Date: 05/14/07
Keywords: no keywords
I have a requirement to show two instances of the same wizard on 1 page.
The problem I am having is that when I hit the next button on one wizard it validates the step it relates to but then also validates the steps on the other wizard.
One way I thought of to solve this problem is by assigning the controls on each step to their own uniquely numbered validation group. And then wiring the next button on each step to the same validation group.
Is this the best approach ?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/89170.html
Date: 04/16/07
Keywords: xml, web
Dear friends!
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all what you need to do-its just register for free
See you in http://xmlia.com
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/88099.html
Using Buttons in .NET
Date: 03/08/07
Keywords: html, asp, web
hey guys,
I'm getting a tooltip from a button implementation in VS2005 that is driving me crazy.
Here is my code:
Private Sub AddNewDir_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddNewDir.Click
The tip appears when you hove over Click. It says: "Even 'click' cannot be found."
I don't understand why this is happening. Could it be that I am not inheriting the proper namespaces? My class only Inherits System.Web.UI.Page.
Edit: figured this out with help from MSDN. My error was I wasn't using the "asp:Button" syntax in the web form. I was creating the buttons as I was used to in the HTML, with "input type='button'" format. So, no wonder the codebehind file was throwing that error.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/86253.html
SQL Wildcards in ASP.NET applications
Date: 02/08/07
Keywords: database, asp, sql
Ok, I'm pretty much at a loss here. I've got a database (SQL Server 2000) that I'm trying to connect to using an xsd DataSet using VS 2005. I've built it and it works for everything I've been trying to do so far in this application, and several others, until now. What I'm trying to do is do a very simple search inside one of the fields, so that my users can find all the names of the people whose names begin with a certain letter. The commandText I created for the method is simple:
SELECT dbo.Personal.*
FROM dbo.Personal
WHERE LastName LIKE @SearchText
Pretty simple, I thought. The code I use to bind the results to a data grid is:
gvListing.DataSource = tblPersonal.GetDataByLastName(txtSearchText.Text & "%")
Now, the "interesting" things begin. When I search for a user's last name using only the first letter, I don't get any rows returns. However, if I do a search for something like "S%%%", it will return all the names in the database that have 5 characters in them.
I was under the impression that the % was the zero or more wildcard for SQL Server databases, but this is making me thing that ASP.NET is translating it as a single character wildcard. I've also tried using * instead of %, but it never returns a result, same with ?. I'm at a loss here, so any insight on how to get this simple search to work would be wonderful/
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/83748.html
Good Asp.Net 2.0 hosting?
Date: 02/06/07
Keywords: database, web
I'm looking to set up a website that will take control of another web site in about 10 months. I want it to be .net based, so I need a 2.0 provider. I would like a plan that includes purchasing the hostname, and one that has access to a database. Does anyone have any experience with some providers being better than others?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/83421.html
treeview control and onHover event
Date: 02/02/07
Keywords: no keywords
Anyone out there actually been able to make the onHover event work with the 2.0 treeview control?
We are in a research phase right now and I could really use some feedback.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/83175.html
Date: 01/30/07
Keywords: asp, sql
Simple question: (I hope)
I have Visual Studio 2k5 and when I create a SQL datasource on a page (URLadd.aspx) when I point the conector at the sql server I am using I cannot use the advanced SQL generation util. Anyone any idea why?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/82505.html
Anyone help
Date: 01/17/07
Keywords: no keywords
I've been playing with "The Beer House" starter pack from Wrox, I originally had a download that worked fine, but the latest version has a load of bugs in it. Firstly the center content section is blank, where it used to have content in the last version. Secondly if you add articles it looses the body content but not the abstract..
Can anyone help me here ?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/81491.html
vb.net / Foreign key data on detailsview inserts
Date: 01/03/07
Keywords: sql
I'm trying to propagate a chosen parameter from a GridView to a DetailsView control where I will be inserting new data records.
Here's my basic layout:
page load
-> display GridView1 (list all jobs in progress)
user clicks on details link of a job entry
-> display GridView2 (list each user-identified step for selected job)
user clicks "Add step" link
-> I need to pass the 'job number' used to populate GridView2 so that my newly created step will correctly be listed as a step for the job I selected after page load.
One of my concerns is also trying to minimize code behind -- I am the only real programmer in our company and want to this project is as easy to maintain as possible should I ever move on.
Is there a way to take my query string parameter sent to GridView2 page and use that in the custom Insert SQL statement for my SQLDataSource?
Thanks for any advice you can share, or help you can point me towards.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/81383.html
An intro
Date: 12/17/06
Keywords: php, programming, asp, sql, linux, google
Hi everyone,
I thought before I go any further I'd ask approval, and give a bit of a background on myself.
in 2000, I was working for blue chip clients as an asp programmer, and then discovered I had chronic Lyme disease, which I am currently under treatment for, but its left me with a six year gap in knowledge, Yes I've gone back to the Olde Faithfull Wrox books, MSDN etc for .net2 but I am finding so much has changed, I am fairly competent with C++ asp, VBscript and ECMA C# is completely new to me!
to get me back to programming I bought a 2nd user server, which is running 2k3 enterprise ed. and have a 2nd machine running mssql 2005, I installed Visual Studio Pro, and thought that a couple of the Starter kits would prove a good place to start, oh How wrong I have been!
Firstly: I tried theBeerHouse kit, hmmn, yes it runs on Localhost, but will the blasted thing run on a inbound connection Will it heck, I've trawled google for answers, worked arround issues, damn it I could have written the lot in asp quicker! or even as a Com+ application. I thought .net2 was supposed to be easier.
But alas I think not unless I am completely missing something, the last thing I want to do is learn PHP! I'd rather eat a linux computer first!!
So whats your advise for someone getting back into this, where did you start and if you have an indespensible book what is it?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/80741.html
Updating multiple rows in sql
Date: 12/04/06
Keywords: sql
I am trying to update multiple rows and multiple fields in sql using an update statement. So far I can't find a good way to do this. I've looked at using SQLBulkCopy object, but apparently that only works for inserts. I can open the connection, write all the separate update queries, then execute them, but this will take forever, almost as slow as updating the rows one by one. The schema of my datatable is different than that of the destination table.
So it looks like its going to be a for loop making updates unless someone knows of a better way...
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/79716.html
Free icons for ASP.NET apps
Date: 11/08/06
Keywords: asp, web
This may be useful for someone: www.aspneticons.com — icons for web applications written on ASP.NET (three hundred or so).
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/78923.html
Accessing Global Objects inside a User Control
Date: 10/31/06
Keywords: database, asp
I have a question. I have created a class (DBClass) to act as a handler for interactions with a database. Creating an instance of that class opens a connection to the database, and the object then has a number of methods for handing transactions with the database.
Initially, my thought was to include the class definition file (which also creates a single instance of the object, called DB) at the beginning of each document. Then, I thought, I'd be able to reference the DB object anywhere in the page to interact with the database.
So, this is (a simplified version of) what my main page looks like:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="inc" TagName="title" Src="title.ascx" %>
Side Bar Template
The dbclass.aspx file contains the code that defines the DBClass class and creates a single instance of that class called DB.
Now, the title.ascx file defines a User Control that prints the title of the page, by looking up the URL of the page in a database and retrieving the corresponding title. That look-up in the database is handled by the DB object:
<%@ Control Language="VB" ClassName="TitleControl" %>
Response.Write( DB.GetNameFromUrl( Request.ServerVariables("URL") ) )
But when I run the main page, it gives a compilation error then trying to compile the
Title Control, because I reference the DB object without declaring it inside that file (title.ascx).
Any idea how I can get the user control to be "aware" of the main DB object I've defined in the calling page?
Thanks for any help or insight..
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/78710.html
Automatic capitalization in VS2003
Date: 10/13/06
Keywords: php
I just started using C# in VS2003 (after learning vb.net)
When I type a variable name in VS2003 for a vb.net project - it corrects any capitalization for me. So it would change namelabel1 to NameLabel1 if thats its real name.
Is there a way to do that for C# projects in VS2003 ?
I know I'm being lazy but it seems to backward that VS doesnt do it as standard - its bad enough I now have to remember to put an ; on the end of every line again (I came from PHP & Perl).
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/77871.html
Debugging problem
Date: 10/08/06
Keywords: asp
I am trying to debug an asp.net vb.net project on an XP machine.
When I start to debug I get this error:
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the server. You do not have permissions to debug the server.
Verify that you are a member of the 'Debugger Users" group on the server.
I am certain that I am a member of the Debugger Users group. I am also a member of the Administrators group (as Help suggests).
Does anyone have any suggestions ?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/77659.html
Description Attribute in Properties Window?
Date: 09/14/06
Keywords: no keywords
Anyone been able to display their description attribute in the properties window? I can get grouping (Catagories) to work.... but not descriptions. And this is really starting to piss me off, cuz everywhere I read says I just have to add the attribute and make sure it's Browseable..... *frustrated*
(FYI I'm working in C#)
Sample of current work:
[Browsable(true)] /* supposedly, if Browsable is true you should be able to see the description in properties… I haven’t been able to get it to work yet. This, by default, is true. I just placed here for visual reference. */
Description("Descriptive info here")]
public string DefaultButton
return defaultButton;
defaultButton = value;
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/76005.html
new to asp :(
Date: 09/12/06
Keywords: browser
This is supposed to display the current date and time:

...But it doesn't work. What shows up when I tried it in the browser (both IE and Mozilla) is the actual code. What's wrong?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/75706.html
Saying hi
Date: 08/18/06
Keywords: php, asp, web
Just saying hi really, just joined since I am trying a little play with asp.net and like it alot better than PHP.
I'm not very good at it, but getting more productive, visual web developer express is a godsend ;)
So umm hi!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/74070.html