That didn't work

    Date: 05/31/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I still need help with the computer that a friend gave me before mine dies. It's on XP and it thinks there's no modem. It doesn't even work with trying to install my modem from this computer that I KNOW works or else I wouldn't be connected right now. Someone told me to run services.msc but the plug & play is already set to automatic and the device manager is still empty. There's just no way to get a list of the devices to see why it won't accept a modem. When my friend used the computer she never had a problem getting online through dial-up, and it worked for her when she gave it to me but it just does NOT work for me. I really need to be able to get online and I don't know what else to do to get it to recognize the modem. There's nothing in the device manager to work with.


« external hard drive blanked... || hellllp :( »

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