hellllp :(

    Date: 06/04/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a Lemel notebook computer, and recently it's been going haywire. There's a built-in wireless card, but for a few days I haven't been able to connect to my home's wireless internet connection. It's driving me nuts, because my sister, who uses a Dell laptop, can connect perfectly fine. I can use an LAN connection, but the wireless just won't connect. I checked the settings, and it has Windows automatically configure the Internet, and it's supposed to automatically connect to one or two networks. The problem is that it can't seem to find those networks.

    I did try the repair function, and the repair worked until it tried to connect; then it said that it couldn't complete the repairing thing because it couldn't connect.

    Is there any advice on what this could be? Is it a problem with the wireless card?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/634585.html

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