emachines help

    Date: 06/08/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hey! I need help with my emachines T2082. It keeps freezing and I'm having to restart it by switching the power cord off and sometimes it will freeze up immediately after it starts back up. It also sometimes shuts off on it's own... like if I go to site with a ton of graphics... I guess? This problem happens a lot! It's been doing this for about 2 weeks now. Finally I got an error message that said I needed to re-download a video driver (or something like that) and I did that, but it's still locking up. I tried emachines help site, but they wanted to know things I couldn't answer in order to get help and I'm too broke to call them. Please help me. I hope this description helps any. If not I'll go into better detail if needed! 

    Thanks a ton in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/636511.html

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