Recent problem with GIF's

    Date: 06/23/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser

    I just noticed this last tonight, but now whenever i'm looking at .gif icons or avatars, the picture is very grainy and pixel-ilated. So the picture is not blending together well.

    I first noticed this when looking at my Forums avatars, and then on everyone else's avatars that are .gif's. I then went through my Photobucket and it's all the same. All my Gif's are like retarded looking now; but it seems to only be affecting the Gif's.

    I've posted my problem on 3 other sites (2 of my forums, and my LJ) and I've heard that it's something about DLL files or something, but i'm not 100% sure about that.

    The only thing i've installed or re-installed in the timespan that this all started to happen was the game "Red Alert 2". I uninstalled the game after playing a few rounds and getting bored with it quickly, and noticed some of the pictures (which I now assume to be GIF's) looking weird, but everything else was fine until last night. I cleared the Cache for my Firefox browser and then I immeditly noticed the problem.

    Any idea on what's wrong with my computer, and how to fix it?

    The worst part is, I have 2 College Research Papers that I need to get done, and all I can think about is 'Why is my computer screwing up?"

    Oh, and this has happened to my old computer very long ago. However, this computer that now has the problem is only a year and a half old.

    I am using Windows XP, and my old computer was Windows 98.


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