Replacement laptop TFT screen sourcing

    Date: 06/24/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Last night, a tragic accident occurred. I caught a cable attached to my main laptop, and sent it flying off the 12" of the settee I was sat on. Which, to my horror, was enough to shatter it's TFT screen.

    I've had no luck so far sourcing a replacement screen. I can fit the damn thing myself, but I can't find any online. It's an AOpen 1551 (1551AW I think? But not certain) barebone laptop (obviously with components in now!). I've been crawling around looking for broken ones, or replacement TFT screens for it, to no avail. So far I've seen the odd whole kit for about £250. Which isn't good.

    It doesn't help that it's an X-Black display, which means cost++.

    If anyone has any idea where to source one of these in the UK, I would much appreciate some guidance. I'm contacting AOpen themselves to see what they can do for me too.

    Thanks in advance. Apologies to those who see this more than once, it was cross posted a bit.


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