A serious case of the restarts....

    Date: 07/07/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: microsoft

    Pardon me...

    I'm currently using a (now) 7 month old desktop computer, relatively top of the line and such. Twice this past week though, there are times when the computer seems to have a bad error, because my monitor goes black, and it reboots.

    Were it not for my mozilla session saver, I would have lost a ton of stuff. The computer mentions some kind of bad error, and asks if I want to transmit that data back to Microsoft, but I don't understand what's going on.


    1. Is there some way I can retrieve the log of that error message so I can post it here for you to decipher? How do I do that?

    2. What could be the cause of the restarts? I'm tempted to say it's a bad case of dustbunnies, so I can convince my parentals to let me buy compressed air to clean the CPU tower and its insides... but I haven't really a clue.

    Thanks for reading, and I hope you folks can help me.

    Victor B.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/650972.html

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