A little modem help

    Date: 07/08/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    To make a long story short, my laptop modems freaked out a few days ago, and all but my data fax modem have suddenly decided to appear under the Unknown category in my Device Manager. It will no longer connect to the internet, which is kind of irritating. I tried updating the drivers, but that didn't work. I was researching online for a solution, and ran across this as advice for how to solve a similar problem on Windows 98. I have XP. Does this sound like a reasonable suggestion? If not, what would help? Thanks in advance for any advice. I got as far as to find what I think is the problem, but I just don't know how to fix this.

    "Boot into Safe Mode by waiting until the memory and drive checks when the
    system starts are done then either hold down the Ctrl key or tap the F8 key
    several times before Windows starts. Go into the Device Manager and remove
    all modems, all unknown or problem devices. When you restart the devices
    will be gone from Device Manager ... but the drivers will still be there,
    Windows should then be able to sort the whole mess out, usually without
    having to reinstall the drivers. "

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/651066.html

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