repeated hard drive failures

    Date: 07/13/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My computer seems to kill my hard drives about once every six months. They just don't last! I've tried several makes: fujitsu, maxtor, western digital. Sooner or later they all fail, but i guess it's always sooner than it should be. I'd like to go out and grab a new drive with a long warranty, but i thought that i would pose this question first:

    is there something wrong with my set-up that's contributing to the unreasonably short life of my hd's?

    my computer usually runs pretty warm, but not too hot. My power supply is fairly old, but stable. I usually don't have hardware conflicts of any kind.

    Is there anything you can think of, or is this just my bad luck?

    x-posted to computerhelp


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