backup help

    Date: 07/14/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    i need to get some backup software, but i need some suggestions.

    i have two drives that i want backed up regularly. one is a USB2.0 external drive (120gb) from my laptop (we will call this DRIVE A), and the other is a 120gb RAID array from my desktop (DRIVE B). i want them both backed up weekly to a third 160gb internal drive in my desktop (DRIVE C). all drives are networked.

    i want automated weekly incremental backups done through the network. i'm looking at Acronis TrueImage, right now. will i need two copies of the software, one for my laptop and one for my desktop?

    or, is it possible to get all three drives backing each other up? so that DRIVE A always contains a backup of DRIVE B, which always has a backup of DRIVE A. and then DRIVE C has a backup of both?

    gah, this is all too confusing.


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