Windows shutdown issues

    Date: 07/18/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, antivirus, spyware

    I've been experiencing some issues with Windows XP's shutting down process, whenever I shut down the computer from the desktop, it takes longer than normal to do so. What happens is this-- I go to the Start menu, select "Turn Off Computer", then I choose "Shut Down", and then the computer does the normal process of shutting down, closing whatever was in the background-- usually not very many programs running in the background (I think), but then for a minute or so, it goes through this process where it doesn't do anything-- I can still move the mouse around and still use menus, programs, as if I'm normally using Windows. However, it does eventually go to the screen where you see the logging off/saving your settings/Windows is shutting down messages, but even on that screen it still seems like it's not doing anything, but then it does eventually shut down. Before this happened, it never was this slow. Is there anything I can do to correct this problem? Everything else in Windows runs fine, the startup process is fine but the shut down process has me concerned. I've checked for spyware and viruses, but nothing's come up when I ran Norton AntiVirus.

    If anyone can assist me with this problem, I'd appreciate it.


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