
    Date: 07/18/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    I've had my computer for a fairly long amount of time. I'm running WINDOWSME and I wonder if it's a Windows problem, or is there something that I'm missing? Ever since I had this computer, and even after my several reformats which have happened since, I have always come up with this error:

    It occurs when I use the eraser tool and right click on the screen, sometimes there is more of a delay, and sometimes the program closes with no warning at all. Knowing this, I have gotten into the habit of saving before using the tool. I have messed around a little bit, opening blank documents and trying it, sometimes with or without saving just to see if it has anything to do with it, but still the same result every time.

    My running processes are nothing out of the ordinary:

    Mozilla Firefox
    Internat (Language support)
    Osd (On-screen display)

    Does anyone else also experience this problem? Google is definately no help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/657560.html

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