Programs aren't opening correctly

    Date: 07/24/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    Hi, I was just wondering if anybody could help me with this little problem:

    Well, basically, after like 10 minutes or so (the time is usually different) turning on the computer, all of my programs that weren't opened beforehand decide not to open, and the ones that do work incorrectly. Also, when I open the start bar a few of the icons for the programs don't display correctly, and things in folders don't look right either. I'd take a screenshot, but paint won't open.

    I've scanned for viruses and spyware about a billion times, deleted everything bad, but that doesn't work, just so you know. So you don't have to ask, I'm using windows XP. If you need more info just ask. Thanks everyone!


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