Several Problems

    Date: 07/26/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I don't use IE for much [I usually stick to FF since my Opera is retarded]. But I do use it to make sure they layouts I make are compatiable with it.

    For the longest time, most images do not display in it. I've checked the preferences but I can't figure it out. I've tried to update but it gives me the same problem quicktime does [see below].

    Also, most of the user pics I use do not display in the Semagic updater. When I make a post with graphcis in Semagic and preview it in Semagic, the images do not show up but when I post it and check my post on FF, it show the images fine. Does this have to do with the fact that my IE won't display most of them?

    I tried to update my quicktime, but it says I'm not allowed to do so [despite the fact that I'm the admin on this computer]. So I restarted in safe mode and went under the actual admin account, but I can't update quicktime from there either. And now quicktime isn't on this computer at all.

    We have a DVD/CD burner in our tower. It will burn DVDs without a problem, but always comes up with an error [during validation] when I burn a CD. Turning off validation gets ride of the error message, but the CD still doesn't work.

    Windows XP SP2
    Pentium 4 with HT
    152 GB HD
    512 MB
    IE 6

    x-posted somewhat [sorry about that]


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