Help please!

    Date: 08/01/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser

    Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with my computer. Last night my entire computer crashed and I had to start from scratch and reinstall everything. After reinstalling all of the programs and getting the internet back up and running, things seemed to be okay until I tried watching something at and found that my computer will no longer play videos online.

    I figured this had something to do with flash and so I downloaded Macromedia Shockwave Player. It acted like it finished the downloading and everything, but I am still unable to play videos and pretty much anything that uses flash. So I tried downloading it again and still, it won't work.

    Does anyone know why this is happening? Is the flash just not working properly for my computer or does it have something to do with my internet browser (I'm using Internet Explorer 6)? Or is there something else I'm missing here?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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