Newly installed windows, no LAN Icon

    Date: 08/02/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Ok, so i'll try to include as much information as I can.
    My boyfriend set up a computer yesterday, with a new hard drive, a friends motherboard, new memory and yadda yadda.

    The motherboard is a Gigabyte Nvidia nForce2 MCp (GA 7N400 pro 2). The net card is inbuilt into the motherboard.

    The problem: When hooking up the computer to the splitter which we have for the internet, the network places properties shows that the 1394 Connection (1394 Net Adapter) is connected, however unlike on my computer there is no LAN symbol that shows ithat the internet is connected as well. I don't know where to go from there because it automatically popped up on my computer (both running windows xp prof). We downloaded a chipset (for the motherboard, although i'm not sure it was the right one afterall) which fixed many problems (the sound and so on) but however when I go to device manager under Other devices there is a yellow exclaimation mark next to Ethernet Controler. Under Network adapters there is the 1394 net adapter with no problems.

    I'm wondering what I try next.

    Thanks moochen in advance


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