Hard Drive

    Date: 08/05/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Here's a little back story: I have a Dell PC that my family about around 1999 or 2000. It came with Windows ME. So it came with I'd say about 20 gigs of space on the hard drive. About 2 years ago, we got cable internet which needed Windows XP. So we took Windows ME off and put XP on. Since we did that, it said about 75% of the space was taken up.

    My dad decided to buy a new hard drive. We got an 80 gig drive (well, it says 75gig capacity) and swapped it with the other one. Right after we did that, it said about 20% of the space was taken I think.

    But NOW? About 99% of the space is taken up. I have not put anything on this computer that should've taken up that much space. I thought that maybe it was the Sims 2, but even the Sims 2 could fit on the old hard drive. I uninstalled it and there is still less than 1 gig of space on here.

    I was looking around some forums for help, and a person said to go into my C drive (which is the hard drive), select everything, and his alt+enter and look at the properties. It calculated how much space everything in that it was taken up, and it says 14.6 GB. But when I right click on the drive itself and look at the properties for the pie chart it has, it says 74.2 gb used, 264 mb unused.

    So I'm SO confused on why the computer says that all the hard drive is taken up. Does anyone have ANY idea that could have happened? Or what could be taken up all that space? I'm sorry that this was so long, I'm just desperate for some help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/669214.html

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