any help?

    Date: 08/07/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I am in a real bind. I have an EMachine, and it was nearly brand new when I got i. A few days ago, I went to burn a few CD's and I realized Nero wasnt reading my CD drive. When I went into My Computer, my E Drive wasnt even showing up! After an entire day of System Restores, I finally got the drive to appear. But then all my programs were going haywire. Im pretty sure I had a bad copy of Nero, so I deleted it along with any of burning program I had downloaded, I figured I find a program once I got it all settled. WELL, now I have Nero and the other burning programs still sitting on my desktop, and in Program Files, and the computer will not let me delete them. My questions are A) How can I delete this effed up programs, B) Whats a good burning program, and C) If I need to reinstall Windows will all my mp3's be there after I reinstall?

    Any help is appreciated.



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