Computer fan broken

    Date: 08/28/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Arrgh, I'm sorry for all my posts here.

    The computer's fan has been acting weird lately (for about the past few days). It'll spontaneously stop, and you have to smack the side of the computer to get it going again. This morning when I turned the computer on, the fan didn't come on, so I smacked the side. Nothing happened, so I smacked it again, and it came on, but it sort of went fast, slow, fast, slow, slower, stop. Repeated side-smacking isn't helping, so I'm assuming that we need to get our fan fixed ASAP. How would we go about doing that? We'll probably need to call a professional, as neither my mom nor I are proficient in fixing the inside of a computer.

    (The processor temperature is now 83 degrees F, but it's gotten up to 101 without any problems [on hot days mostly]. What is the max temperature that a processor can get to without breaking completely? And no, I'm not about to test those limits; I'm getting off of here as soon as this is posted and am going to turn off the computer.)

    EDIT: Okay, as an experiment, I turned the computer off and then on again, and again, the fan didn't come on, so I whapped the side, and it finally came on and stayed on (for now anyway...) I know I should still get it fixed, though...


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