Weird internet connection error.

    Date: 08/29/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, web, yahoo

    Riddle me this, Batman, because it certainly confuses me, and I can't seem to get my cable company's tech support to understand what I'm trying to tell them.

    At times-- most recently last night, after a minor brownout-- I selectively lose cable connectivity. I say "selectively" because what I lose is almost* everything having to do with a web browser. Other apps-- multiplayer games, instant messaging services, file sharing programs, etc.-- all work fine, but if it requires a browser, it's toast. This is true with AOL's built-in browser, versions of IE from 5-7, and Firefox, running Windows98 and XP (Home and Pro).

    * I can, occsionally, get part of a page to load-- e.g., I let a page load go for five and a half minutes and got the top text from, and a placeholder or two for images before it timed out.

    The systems are connected to a Linksys cable router, with a Motorola Surfboard modem between it and the wall. The router and modem are obviously working correctly, because I'm getting throughput from everything but the browsers.

    Anyone seen anything like this, and know how to fix it? I have power-cycled everything until I'm blue in the face, and I'm assuming that there's nothing wrong ont he cable company's end, since non-browser proggies are working.



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